Thursday, June 26, 2014

Elucidate No. 8 - Culture and The Internet

This is a slightly shorter episode, in this episode I talk about (ramble maybe, haha) about me playing music live in Jacksonville, FL. But, mostly I talk about whether or not the various things that make up cultures are blending via the internet, and if the internet is expanding our likings.

Check this out on Chirbit

Music by Goliath Flores

Saturday, April 12, 2014

Elucidate No.7 - Fitting Into Boxes, and Freedom From the Machine

In this episode of Elucidate I turn on the mic and talk about us trying to fit ourselves into boxes, in society.

Check this out on Chirbit

     All music by Goliath Flores

Friday, March 28, 2014

If you want to start a podcast...

If you'd like to make a podcast here's free and useful tools.

1. Simple and powerful audio recording and editing software:
 - For turning your Audacity audio into an mp3:

2. Or, an even more advanced audio recording and editing software option:

3. Then you can upload it here:

Tada! You now have a podcast. — If you'd like to post your podcast on WATR - Atlantic Radio write me.

WATR - Atlantic Raido program director,
Goliath Flores

Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Elucidate No.6 - Jacksonville FL, the Internet, and Society

In this episode we talk about Jacksonville, since I moved here I've heard people asking "What's wrong with this place?". - We also talk about the Internet, oligopolies, and society.

Music by Goliath Flores

Check this out on Chirbit

Notes: As mentioned, Terrence McNally's last Free Forum show about storytelling (direct link to mp3):